Social Networking

Cisco Survey Reveals Many Young Job Seekers Value Social Media Over Money [INFOGRAPHIC]
Cisco Survey Reveals Many Young Job Seekers Value Social Media Over Money [INFOGRAPHIC]
Cisco Survey Reveals Many Young Job Seekers Value Social Media Over Money [INFOGRAPHIC]
Shakespeare once wrote, “All that glitters is not gold,” and when it comes to young job seekers, he was spot-on. Cisco’s recent survey of 2,800 college students and recently employed graduates found that while a competitive salary is important, many respondents said a company’s social media policy matters even more. In fact, 56 percent overall said they wouldn’t work for a company that bans social
New Web Service Wants to Give You a Pretend Facebook Girlfriend
New Web Service Wants to Give You a Pretend Facebook Girlfriend
New Web Service Wants to Give You a Pretend Facebook Girlfriend
A start up company called Cloud Girlfriend claims it will create the virtual, social network-friendly girlfriend you don't have in real life. According to Cloud Girlfriend's Web site, this is how the process works: Step 1: Define your perfect girlfriend. Step 2: We bring her into existence. Step 3: Connect and interact with her publicly on your favorite social network. Step 4: Enjoy a public long
Facebook Now Cited in Two out of Three Divorce Proceedings
Facebook Now Cited in Two out of Three Divorce Proceedings
Facebook Now Cited in Two out of Three Divorce Proceedings
According to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, social networking sites are now used as a primary source of evidence in four of out five divorcee proceedings. Facebook, the most popular social networking destination, is cited in two-thirds of divorce cases, followed by MySpace at 14 percent and Twitter at five percent...