Crusing home from work. Heading east out by the zero road turn off by Platte Pipe Line turn the speed limit of about fourty. Lots of traffic. Seat belt on and as I look down the highway I see a large Surburban wanting to turn across traffic left to right in front of me are you??. And in a second I actually said out loud..."No you're not going to pull out in front of me are you?" And she does. So in orde to avoid "T" boning her vehicle and potentially make a bad situation head south really quick I jerk the wheel of the "beloved" Suburu to the right hoping we can keep from kissing. And then things light up. A noise like a small explosion goes off in the car. The windows on the passenger side explode. My head bounces off the left side of the car door and I actually see the frame just above the drivers window where it seperates from the left side passenger door bend in...and then I stop. Whew! No blood. No broken bones....and this girl is looking in the window asking..."Doc are you all right?" And I was. I was ok. Thank you God. Thank you Great Grand Father. But the old Suburu is totaled. My baby. My girl friend says I have committment issues with everything except my Suburu. And now she's gone. But I'm ok.
Thanks to the Natrona County Sheriff's Department for all thier help. Any one got a used Suburu you want to sell.

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