Jeremy Taylor
Are You Looking Forward to Seeing Your In-Laws This Thanksgiving? — Survey of the Day
The Shifted Librarian, Flickr
Thanksgiving is not far off, and it’s about time to start thinking about the guest list for this year’s Turkey dinner. More than any other holiday, Thanksgiving brings together extended families. And with that comes the requisite complaints about crazy uncles and in-laws.
But are those familial ties really that hard to deal with?
You Probably Don’t Need an Annual Checkup With Your Doctor
It would seem like getting a yearly physical would make you less likely to die of an otherwise undiagnosed malady than someone who doesn’t go in for such checkups. But that may not be the case.
Would You Rather Have Better Pay or a Better Boss? — Survey of the Day
Not being paid enough and having a difficult boss are two of the more common complaints of the employed. But which of these problems bothers working folks more?
Boyfriend Faints, Wakes Up In Terror on Roller Coaster
It was Louis’ idea for him and his girlfriend to take a ride on a slingshot style roller coaster in this NSFW video. We know this because before the trip begins the young lady repeats “Louis, I hate you” over and over again.
Harvey Keitel’s Version of ‘Call Me Maybe’ Could Shatter the Internet
It had been quite a run for the Carly Rae Jepsen hit ‘Call Me Maybe.’ But the hold the song of the summer once had on shower-singers and lip-synchers everywhere has faded as the weather has turned cold.
However, the Canadian singer’s earworm got a bit of a reprise last night at the recording of Comedy Central’s ‘Night of Too Many Stars.’
Heart-Attack Victim Searches for Stranger Who Saved His Life
Toronto resident Jason Kroft, his wife and their two young children came to New York city earlier this month to visit Kroft’s brother-in-law, Andrew Zeller. Zeller was giving the Canadian family a tour of 30 Rockefeller Plaza when Kroft, who had no history of heart disease, went into cardiac arrest, fell to the ground and stopped breathing.
Does America Have Too Many Lawyers? — Survey of the Day
Lawyers have never been particularly popular with the general public, but just how unpopular is the profession exactly?
Man Wins Roach-Eating Contest, Then Dies
When faced with eating something really disgusting—like, say, a cockroach—one strategy would be to think to yourself, “At least this won’t kill me,” before chowing down.
That technique wouldn’t have worked, however, for Edward Archbold. On Friday, the 32-year-old entered a roach-eating contest at Ben Siegel Reptile Store in Deerfield Beach, Florida, and won after devouring “dozens” of three-inch d
See the Cast of ‘The Princess Bride’ Then and Now
‘The Princess Bride’ wasn’t a big hit when it came out in 1987. But the fairy tale comedy became a cult classic once it hit video and it now holds a special place in the hearts of most children of the ’80s and well beyond.
Esquire Names Mila Kunis ‘Sexiest Woman Alive’ Without Consulting Us First
Mila Kunis has come a long way since playing the bratty Jackie Burkhart on ‘That ’70s Show.’
Soon-To-Be Real ‘Hungry Hungry Hippos’ Movie Gets Fake Trailer
One would think after the ‘Battleship’ debacle there’d be a reluctance to base movies on board games. Alas, Hasbro recently signed a deal with Universal to bring more games to the big screen, including (yes, this is real) ‘Hungry Hungry Hippos.’
NASA and Apple Engineers Develop $11,111 Coffee Maker
What happens when rocket scientists take on the coffee machine? The answer is a $11,111 coffee maker which brews java at the “perfect” temperature.