Casper Council Kicks Around a New Solution For Cutting Down Jail Costs
Per a City of Casper Council memo, ealier this month the council approved a contract with the Casper Re-entry Center (CRC) to make changes that they hope will reduce some of the cost associated with sentences at the Natrona County jail.
The CRC offered the City placement options for inmates with misdemeanor charges. For defendants serving three to seven days for Driving While Under the Influence (DWUI) sentences, they would have the option to pay $50 a day to serve their time at the CRC and be released daily to maintain employment until their period of incarceration is up.
A second change addresses defendants with longer sentences who might benefit from the therapeutic community provided at the CRC facility. In this case, these defendants would be placed at the CRC, which will cost the City $80 a day. These cases would receive help from group sessions and logistical re-entry assistance. In theory, per a memo to council, this could provide necessary life skills to defendants and aid in their re-entry into the community once completed.
The Municipal Court Judges would assess these cases and make the determination for CRC placement during case reviews. Placement would also be contingent on the defendant's participation in therapeutic community activities and offered on a case-by-case basis.
A memo to council notes the daily rate at the CRC facility would be a large reduction to the current daily cost of an inmate in jail.
This project will be the responsibility of the Clerk of Court, Leticia Drake.