I've never been lucky enough to see an alien or a UFO. However, I have heard some stories of folks who have, and there's no way to convince them they didn't.

When you look at the numbers released from Casino Alpha.com, you'll wonder why you don't hear more stories.

The study analyzed data from the National UFO Reporting Center and determined which states have had the most alien visits per 100,000 people. After extensive data crunching, it's been estimated that there have been 72 alien visits per 100,000 people in Wyoming.

Our neighbors, Montana and Idaho, are also in the top 10.

Are You Surprised That Aliens Love To Visit Wyoming?

If those numbers play out correctly, that would mean that Wyoming has had quite a few alien visits over the years.

Are You Surprised That Aliens Love To Visit Wyoming?

It's interesting to me that if you look at the map of reported UFO sightings, the majority of them are in the United States. I get the sight originates here, but it's still wild to look at.

This is a map of the reports filed to the National UFO Reporting Center in the US.

Are You Surprised That Aliens Love To Visit Wyoming?

Here is a map of the reports from other parts of the world.

Are You Surprised That Aliens Love To Visit Wyoming?

The National UFO Reporting Center was founded in 1974 by noted UFO investigator Robert J. Gribble. The Center’s primary function over the past five decades has been to receive, record, and to the greatest degree possible, corroborate and document reports from individuals who have been witness to unusual, possibly UFO-related events. Throughout its history, the Center has processed over 180,000 reports, and has distributed its information to thousands of individuals.

UFO/ALIEN reports since 2020

  • There have been only two reports this year, 2024, the most recent being in Lusk back in August.
  • In 2023, there were 14 reports.
  • 2022 had 15
  • 2021 was a slow year, with five
  • 2020 (the year of COVID-19), there were 29.

UFO Pics Released By the U.S. Government

What Would You Do If Aliens Landed On Earth?

Gallery Credit: Leslie Morgan