Thick smoke is covering Casper thanks to the wildfire burning in Johnson County southeast of Buffalo. The wind will likely change directions later in the day and give us a break. Until then, though, Casper PD advises you not to call 911 because you smell smoke.

If you're unaware of the fires burning and wake up to the smell of smoke, you'll probably be quite concerned and want to report a fire. Unless you see fire, calling 911 clogs up the emergency lines for those experiencing an emergency.

Good morning, Casper! This summer breeze is bringing smoke (and in some areas ash) into Casper from a fire in Johnson County. Please ALWAYS call 911 if you SEE a fire. At this time we request that members of #ourcommunity avoid calling 911 to report the smoke smell. Thank you for your vigilance!

Due to the smoke, the air quality index around Casper is extremely high.

The fires have caused traffic flow issues in some areas, so if you're traveling, you'll want to check and see if the roads you'll be driving on are open. Stretches of I-90 have been closed since yesterday and, depending on fire containment, could be closed for a while. You should check the 511 App or the WYDOT travel information map.

Here Are Fire Safety Steps For Your Family

Thanks to our friends at the City of Mills Fire Department and these steps should be discussed and practiced with your entire family and anyone else that lives with you.

Gallery Credit: Drew Kirby/Canva

One Of Wyoming's Huge Firearm Museums Is In Cody