Ice Rink Arrived In Glenrock For Winter Fest
It's been an intense couple months for the town of Glenrock, but recent good news is that Winter Fest December 3rd will go on and be as awesome as planned.
Glenrock's new town square has been a work in progress for a few years and was finished this past summer. The town was able to put the square to work right away with family movie nights, splash pad parties, ghost stories by the fire and University of Wyoming football tailgate parties.
The square isn't slowing down because it's fall/winter, ice skating, Santa and community activities are all planned.
Glenrock's Mandy Jones has confirmed that the synthetic ice rink, that is supposed to be the center point of this years Winter Fest, has arrived with time to spare. The major concern was that the ice rink wasn't going to make it through customs before the date of the event. Luckily, the rink will arrive in Glenrock and be assembled in time for Elevate Glenrock's Winter Fest.
The rink was ordered in plenty of time from a company in Spain, but was being held up in customs at the Port of Charleston. Last week, the rink finally made it to the east coast and was routed to it's new home in Glenrock.
Earlier this fall it was announced that Caper's David Street Station was having to cancel outdoor ice skating this year. The rink doesn't require cold temperatures or an industrial cooler to be used, it's a new synthetic ice that uses special panels to work. So weather will not play a part in ice skating in Glenrock. You can learn more about the rink here.
With the new rink arriving, everyone is invited to get a jump on holiday celebrations in Glenrock on December 3rd.
Winter Fest will begin at noon and free skating will be available. Vendors will be set up at the Boys and Girls Club, Santa and hot chocolate on the square, the Christmas parade at 6pm followed by the tree lighting.
Then on December 4th, it's Hallmark at the square with Vyve offering Hallmark Movies, free skating and hot chocolate.