Wyomingites Are Really Excited For Thanksgiving Foods
You're not going to be shocked when I say that Turkey is the most eaten food at Thanksgiving. Turkey is just ahead of mashed potatoes and stuffing/dressing.
My favorite items at Thanksgiving are the mashed potatoes, moms homemade rolls and pie. I could do without Turkey and would rather have all the other stuff. Although, we usually have some sort of venison on the table and that's definitely on the plate.
Many families will have multiple location where they'll celebrate Thanksgiving, that means multiple meals with lots of options to eat. If that's the case with you, it's likely you will have a food item at each place that is your favorite. Maybe it's Grandma's dressing/stuffing, Uncle Terry's secret Pecan Pie, Cousin Jack's candied yams or Dad's scalloped potatoes, just the thought of those items make you so excited to get there and eat.
Always seems like the 'secret' recipes are always on top of the list for many people. Just a few years ago, our family was devastated when we learned that one of our favorite food items wasn't a secret at all. Grandma's world famous coconut cream pie, came right out of one of her cookbooks. She followed the recipe step by step and it wasn't her 'world famous coconut cream pie' it was Betty Crocker's.
Good stories, good food and good fellowship are all the best part of the holidays.