WYDOT is reminding motorists to exercise caution during winter weather after the fourth snowplow of the season in southeast Wyoming was hit by a commercial vehicle.

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It was the ninth plow to be hit statewide this winter, according to a WYDOT news release.

According to the release, the snowplow was hit at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday milepost 332.9 on I-80 eastbound near Lone Tree. The plow was eastbound clearing snowdrifts in the eastbound lane when it was rear-ended by the commercial vehicle.

Both the plow driver and the commercial driver escape injury. But the sander on the back of the plow was extensively damaged, and the commercial driver was issued a citation.

Motorists Need To Watch For Snow Clouds On Highway

Motorists are being reminded to watch for the snow clouds on the highways. The clouds are typically created by plows when they are clearing roads. Beyond that, in the words of the release ''WYDOT reminds drivers to be mindful when driving in winter conditions. This includes checking road conditions before traveling, driving at a speed suitable for the conditions, and watching for snowplows.''

Information on Wyoming road conditions is available at https://wyoroad.info/. It's also available via the WYO 511 App or by calling (888) WYO-ROAD (996-7623).

Wyoming Shelter Dogs Having Fun In The Snow

If you enjoy these pictures, please consider following the links above to give back to these organizations that help feed and shelter Wyoming animals, especially on snowy days like this: