A married couple from Douglas, Wyoming recently adopted two special needs children from Ukraine. 24 hours after signing the adoption papers, the first bombs in Ukraine began to fall.
10 years ago, when the youngest of their three biological children was 5, Steven and Kristen Marler decided to become a part of Wyoming’s Department of Family Services Foster Care Program. Since then they have welcomed over 70 children into their home, and adopted 8.
Black Dog Animal Rescue will promote black and mostly black dogs for adoption between May 1 and May 31, 2014, as part of the Back in Black promotion sponsored by national animal welfare leader Best Friends Animal Society®. More than 175 local animal rescue groups and municipal shelters across the country are showcasing adorable, lovable cats, dogs, kittens and puppies for adoption.
We're happy to be announcing a brand new weekly feature on our websites.
Each week we are going to be featuring a an adoptable pet from here in the community.