With all of these new local breweries popping up all over the cowboy state I was surprised to find out which beer is the most popular throughout Wyoming. I'm sure you'll be just as shocked.
The Budweiser Clydesdales are featured in high profile and most expensive slots, such as Super Bowl 51, where it’s $5.5 million to air a :30 second commercial.
From Loveland, Colo. the 18-wheeler drove itself on I-25, through Denver, to Co. Springs and successfully made the world’s first autonomous truck delivery.
If you're a beer drinker, or even if you're not, you've probably heard about the microbrew or craft beer trend across the country. Small breweries making their own unique beers, often times mom and pop style, locally owned businesses.
This is being called the tear jerker viral video of the day. Budweiser always knows how to make us weep with their creative Superbowl commercials and now this.
Since the Belgians took over Anheuser-Busch four years ago, the brewer has been searching for new ways to cut costs while their mad scientists relentlessly work to develop new product lines -- including Bud Light Platinum and Bud Light Lime -- in an attempt to attract the more discriminating beer connoisseur.
We all remember the Budweiser Clydesdales, right? Those magnificent horses pulling a carriage fit for a king? Well, it looks like we’ll be seeing them again during the Super Bowl 2012 commercials.