Money is the center of pretty much all of our lives. I know for me it's been one of my biggest concerns growing up. Am I making enough of it? Am I spending it correctly? Do I have enough to eat this month?
The Internet is all a buzz about this map going around showing just how much the population in each state has changed over the years. More specifically how much has changed since 1810. It's a pretty boring map until you get to somewhere around the 1950s.
Sometimes I come across certain things that make me happy and this right here is the video of the day that makes me smile every time I watch it. It's the perfect combination of old school craftsmanship with just a touch of technology.
We have our fair share of horrible winter weather in the cowboy state and in surrounding states. But we don't even compare to the amount of snow that our friends up north get EVERY SINGLE YEAR.
I've seen other cool videos like this where people go outside in the early hours of the morning or they wait till the temperatures drop at night, but I think there is something special about this one. First of all, it was taken in Nevada while the sun was setting.