If you are looking to move around the cowboy state I have found a list on Home snacks that has broken down how expensive it is to live in certain cities within Wyoming and they ranked the top 10 that are the cheapest places to live.
I've always grown up thinking that people were pretty happy with their lives all across Wyoming. Most of us get paid pretty well and have a place to live and food in the fridge and cabinets. What more could you ask for, right?
Every year Homesnacks goes ahead and finds all the data on the safest & the most dangerous cities all over the nation. Of course, I wanted to know where our city stood when it came to the safest.
Regardless of where you live in the U.S.A. I promise you that there is crime, and at least a small amount of danger that comes with living where ever you may be.
We've known this for a long time, but can now prove it with science. There's a new study that has declared that Wyoming is a better place to live than Colorado or Montana.