In the animal kingdom, I would defy anyone to say that there is a beast that has a better personality than a horse. A new video proves that point yet again with a show horse that puts on a very special musical performance.
I have so many problems with this, I don't know where to start. A guy decided to race a horse in his car and instantly regretted it. There's only one thing I like about the video of this that has gone viral.
It's hard to describe what I just witnessed. Suffice it to say that this cowboy completely schooled drivers about the proper way to merge into traffic.
We see our animals running free all over Wyoming and it's not all that surprising to see a horse or goat or sheep while you're driving down the road. Apparently it's a little less common in other places like Pennsylvania.
Here's just another video and an example of why we love our animals here in Wyoming. I haven't had a chance to pet a lot of horses in my day and I definitely haven't a connection like this with a horse.
In case you didn't believe us when we said we had the best listeners ever, I have some more proof for you. Here are photos from our friend Kyle who took his horse through a Casper drive-thru yesterday.