Wyoming has been home to some incredible fossil discoveries throughout the years. Even though most of those sites have been picked cleans it's always cool to see some of the newer generations of paleontologists making discoveries throughout our state.
When all you care about is money, bad things happen. That’s the message of Jurassic World, where greedy theme-park executives hoping to spike attendance engineer the “Indominus Rex,” a genetically-modified dinosaur that immediately turns on its creators and runs amok. Designed as a cautionary tale about the dangers of building a meaner, badder monster purely for the sake of profits, Jurassic World works equally well as a cautionary tale about doing the same thing in movies. All of the rationalizations provided by Jurassic World’s employees — “Consumers want them bigger, louder, more teeth.” “Somebody’s gotta make sure this company has a future!” — could have been taken directly out of the mouths of the studio executives who approved this gene splice of a reboot and a sequel. Their creation — the Indominus or the movie, there’s basically no difference — is as advertised; huge, mean, and visually striking. But this experiment is not without consequences.
Pencils (or bricks) down, everyone — this is officially the best Jurassic Park fan-made trailer we’re going to see, ever (unless someone has a line on some sick animatronics). A father/daughter team utilized over $100,000 worth of LEGO pieces to create a three-minute stop-motion Jurassic Park video, featuring some of the best moments from Steven Spielberg’s classic film.
Richard Attenborough, the actor who famously portrayed Professor John Hammond in the Steven Spielberg's 'Jurassic Park,' as well as the acclaimed director of 'Gandhi,' passed away this past Sunday.
Although director Colin Trevorrow has done an excellent job of keeping us teased for 'Jurassic Park 4' (officially titled 'Jurassic World'), we're still hungry for more. So hungry, in fact, that we'll endure watching the 'Today Show' footage from their set visit to catch even the tiniest glimpse of something new and cool. If you're a real fan, you'll suck it up and do the same.
Little is known about the announced 'Jurassic Park 4,' other than that it will be called 'Jurassic World,' be directed by Colin Trevorrow and will be released on June 12, 2015. Casting for the next installment is kicking off, and 'The Help' and 'Twilight' star Bryce Dallas Howard is in early talks to be the first new addition to the cast.
Everything we knew about the upcoming 'Jurassic Park 4' could fit in a thimble, but now director Colin Trevorrow has dropped a quietly huge piece of information about the film: it'll take place on Isla Nublar, the setting of the original 1993 'Jurassic Park.'
You know, we're going to forgive these guys for referring to the great Sam Neill as "The Guy From 'Jurassic Park'" (have they really never seen 'Omen III: End of Days'????). Because this latest honest trailer from the folks at Screen Junkies is funny. And also because of their extended shot of shirtless 'Jurassic Park'-era Jeff Goldblum posing sexily with his blouse unbuttoned. Yeah, it'