We are always talking about supporting local business and I think we can all agree how great it is to do that and see the impact it has on our economy and families that you're helping out every time you do so.
Have you ever had one of those days when you're hungry, but everything sounds good? Or what about the opposite... nothing sounds good? We have the solution!
If you happen to be in Cheyenne today, Wednesday, August 19th from 12p.m. to 1p.m. you can learn from another in the series of loose but wide ranging field of intelligent people who are well versed in a large array of subjects that cross many subject lines...
You could use a free lunch every once in a while, right? Especially later in the month when you don't have as much money to spend. Here's a trick I've used successfully in the past, and I'm going to share it with you.
A school in Richmond, Virginia has recently started enforcing a new rule that has parents up in arms. Following instructions laid out by the federal government, children are not allowed to bring their own bagged lunch to school without a note from a physician.
I love the springtime. The weather allows me to ditch the heavy coat for the next six or seven months, and I get to sport my favorite light jacket. I also love lunch. A great meal to break up my day is always welcome. Now that lunch and jackets have been combined, I'm slightly worried that I have died and gone to heaven.