It's hard to describe what I just witnessed. Suffice it to say that this cowboy completely schooled drivers about the proper way to merge into traffic.
Back in 1990 it's safe to say Bon Jovi had longer hair than your girlfriend. The band also released a video documentary, Access All Areas: A Rock & Roll Odyssey, which gave fans a look behind the scenes of the New Jersey tour. If you've never seen it, today is your chance.
You’ve probably seen the countless YouTube videos of people so transfixed by their mobile phones that they walk into inanimate objects or fall into fountains.
And while it’s easy to laugh at such incidents, the truth is that distracted pedestrians can cause serious harm to themselves or other people — and now one New Jersey town is taking a stand.
Even with all their crazy antics and drunken bar fights, the cast of ‘Jersey Shore’ has yet to make New Jersey the most hated state in America. You might not believe this, but there are two states even more despised.
Turns out, the state Americans hate more than the Garden State is…