It is indeed a strange time we live in when a large number of our population will believe a rumor, or in some cases, a blatant falsehood (see also: lie), over the truth.
The rumor mill has been going crazy the last few days with talk that two of our recent Wyoming transplants, Kanye West and Jeffree Star, were having an affair.
This has been a question that has been burning in the back of my mind ever since I was a kid and no one seems to know how Dead Horse Hill actually got its name in Casper.
Never one to promote certainty, the members of Guns N’ Roses have once again left fans wondering if a full reunion is likely or even possible when they’re inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in April. Slash doesn’t deny Dizzy Reed’s claim that the band is getting back together for one night in Cleveland, but he hardly confirms it.