You have a herd of sheep that need to be rounded up. You also have a mini-dachshund with a feisty attitude. What do you do? The obvious answer is you let the little dog do his thing just like this video shows.
Today, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department announced the ten 2016 winners of the Wyoming Super Tag raffles. The Super Tag raffles were created by Governor Matt Mead and the Wyoming Legislature in 2013 to provide hunters additional opportunities to obtain difficult to draw hunting licenses and to raise money for wildlife management in Wyoming...
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (AP) — A southeastern Idaho ranch lost 176 sheep as the animals ran in fear from two wolves that chased through a herd of about 2,400 animals south of Victor.
Sheepherders for the Siddoway Sheep Co. heard the wolves at about 1 a...
We're all feeling it. Only this sheep is brave enough to express it. Because if you screamed like this in the office or at school, something bad would probably happen. We're not sure what, because nobody's ever done it. Thank you, sheep. Thank you...
These sheep appear to be very well adept at pissing people off. I'm not really sure if they we're trained to do this; or are just naturally inclined to be jerks.
What's your take on these sheep?
Remember in like, the 50's, when movies would come out that would show scientists meddling with something they had no business meddling with? Wise old men would warn them not to, but they would do it anyway, and then a monster would be accidentally created and would destroy the world until some good looking James-Stewart-type would figure out how to stop it? Well, on this day in 1997 we, and by we