Nestled in the Shoshone National Forest sleeps the tragic ghost town of Kirwin, Wyoming. Abandoned for more than 100 years, this small mining town has rich history and restless spirts.
The Fishhawk fire has quieted down, fire officials say.
Burning 40 miles west of Cody in the Shoshone National Forest, the Fishhawk fire is listed at 11,130 acres in size. The fire was listed at roughly 10,000 acres Thursday.
Heading into Friday, crews are focusing on the northern portion of the fire and protecting structures near the North Fork of the Shoshone River...
In my travels this past weekend, I had just left Dubois, Wyoming and had entered the Shoshone National Forest when I noticed a large plume of smoke coming from the area known as Lava Mountain, just south of Highway 26/287. I had stopped to call 911 and to grab a quick video of what looks to be just the beginning of this fire...