
Study Says We Spend 5 Hours Face to Face With Kids a Week
Study Says We Spend 5 Hours Face to Face With Kids a Week
Study Says We Spend 5 Hours Face to Face With Kids a Week
After I read this study from I got really sad and started reflecting on my own family and how much time we spend a week talking to one another and communicating face to face every week. In all fairness, we are all adults with full-time jobs and don't live in the same house so we spend a lot less time having face to face family time.
Would Wyoming Be Willing To Integrate With Technology?
Would Wyoming Be Willing To Integrate With Technology?
Would Wyoming Be Willing To Integrate With Technology?
At first glance, I thought this was a joke or something out of a bad sci-fi movie where humans lose control of all technology. But who other than Elon Musk to head up a company that is willing to go the extra step and start looking into such an interesting idea.
How A Smart Window Could Help Wyoming Tourism
How A Smart Window Could Help Wyoming Tourism
How A Smart Window Could Help Wyoming Tourism
Wyoming has always been forward thinking when it comes to technology and things that we find beneficial to our day to day lives and Toyota's new concept for a smart window could be one thing that Wyoming residents could find several uses for.

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