
Five Things You Can Do with Your Turkey Leftovers
Five Things You Can Do with Your Turkey Leftovers
Five Things You Can Do with Your Turkey Leftovers
The day after Thanksgiving you may be stuck with all the leftovers. This is always a great day as there are a lot of things you can do with said leftovers. Instead of just making as many sandwiches as you can with the leftover turkey (and, trust me, there's nothing wrong with that) Here are some great ideas...
Helpful Tips on Using a Turkey Fryer
Helpful Tips on Using a Turkey Fryer
Helpful Tips on Using a Turkey Fryer
You've seen people use those turkey fryers on YouTube and all the accidents that can occur. You think to yourself, "not me, I'm not going to be that guy," but how do you know for sure when you've never done it? If you plan on frying a turkey for the holidays, here are some helpful tips on how to not blow up your neighborhood.
People Go Nuts Over Fried Turkey Testicles
People Go Nuts Over Fried Turkey Testicles
People Go Nuts Over Fried Turkey Testicles
As guys, we'll eat almost anything. Brew us up some cat poop coffee, toss us a stuffed cone pizza explosion; we can handle it. There is one thing we're a little weary to try, though -- mostly because it's a male issue at hand -- deep fried turkey testicles.
Bacon Wrapped Turkey? [POLL]
Bacon Wrapped Turkey? [POLL]
Bacon Wrapped Turkey? [POLL]
I keep seeing recipes popping up for Bacon Wrapped Turkey and it's got me thinking about trying something new this year! I love a juicy roast turkey on Thanksgiving; but wrap that sucker in a basket-weave-style layer of bacon and I'm thinking it just might be the most delicious feast Thanksgiving has ever seen...

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