The entire town of Burns was watching Wheel of Fortune last night, as Amanda Landrove proudly represented the Cowboy State on the popular game show.
Amanda, a former Army medic and mother of two, first auditioned for the show in 2014 at a casting call in Texas...
Sarah Manchester, a math teacher from Silver Spring, MD became the third contestant to win the $1 million dollar grand prize on the popular game show "Wheel of Fortune" during Wednesday night's episode.
Like many Southerners, Renee Durette drops the "G" at the end of a word when she speaks. Her accent became a big issue during a recent episode of 'Wheel of Fortune,' costing the Navy Intel Specialist from Merritt Island, Fla $3,850 thanks to a controversial judge's ruling.
We’ve never actually been on ‘Wheel of Fortune’ so this is all speculation here, but for arguments sake, let’s just assume that it’s probably more nerve racking to be a contestant on the game show than it is sitting in a lounge chair screaming answers through a mouthful of Flaming Hot Cheetos.