2019 Could Be The Best Year For You To Find Love In Wyoming
With Valentine's day right around the corner curiosity about the dating scene here in Casper and around all of Wyoming is in question. For most of the single folks rightfully want to know if this is a good place to be to find love.
While browsing the internet you find fun facts and interesting data about random things and I happily stumbled upon HomeSnacks and their article which lists all the states it's best to be single in for the entire year. I am happy to say that Wyoming is pretty high up on the list.
They even take it a step further by listing which city you have the most luck of finding love in. Casper has been ranked #2, just behind the "hotspot" city of Laramie. It's not often that us in Casper can say that we beat out Jackson WY. in a national rating, but this time we've got them beat.
If you're single keep your eye out cause 2019 could be your year.