21 Years Dead But Will Do Concerts
Back in 2012 the Coachella music festival brought back Tupac Shakur from the dead to appear onstage via hologram. The late Whitney Houston will be hitting the road next year and now, 21 years after his death, Dean Martin will be taking the stage again.
The company behind both of these tours, Hologram USA, says "A new generation is about to be blown away by the extraordinary presence of Dean Martin. "He owned Vegas like no other entertainer, and is the definition of elegance and cool. It's a distinct pleasure to work with [his] estate to ensure we deliver Dean Martin with the utmost authenticity."
I just hope they’ll have enough virtual scotch for his dressing room. Meanwhile, has Hologram USA thought about.... wait for it..... The Grateful Dead?
What would dead artists say about people using them to sell tickets, T-shirts and trinkets to make money off of anything you left behind, anything? They could market toilet bowl cleaner with your image. Think Fred Astair and vacuum cleaner commercials.
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