Aquile Comes Home To Kelly Walsh High School [VIDEOS] [PHOTOS]
He took to the stage, the light shining in his eyes. He smiled, realizing that this was a moment he will never forget. He looked into the crowd, not knowing many of the faces that he was seeing, but he knew that soon they would be screaming their approval at him. He sang his first note, the crowd erupted, and Aquile knew that he had truly 'made it.'
You may be thinking that this sounds familiar, but this scenario happened not on a stage in Hollywood, but in a gym in Casper Wyoming. Aquile returned to his old high school to perform a concert for his former teachers and an entirely new generation of high schoolers. He had his family and his friends there, and by the end up the show he was drenched in sweat but absolutely elated. Aquile had truly come full circle, first performing in choirs (A Cappella, Esprit De Corps and Encore) and now performing his songs in front of his people. His old choir instructor, Marcia Patton was there and she was beaming with pride. For Aquile, this was a moment that he will always remember, and no matter what roads he goes down, he will know that he made his high school proud.
Check out some of these photos and videos from the concert.