Charles Bramesco

Harriet Tubman Biopic ‘Harriet’ Headed to Theaters
Abolitionist, humanitarian, and regular fourth-grade history report subject Harriet Tubman may very well be the most significant black woman to have ever lived. She ferried what scholars estimate to be over seventy runaway slaves to freedom through her Underground Railroad network of sanctuary, and to this day continues to provide inspiration to anyone struggling to do the right thing in a status quo that enforces injustice. Having most recently unseated former president and noted genocidal maniac Andrew Jackson as the face of the $20 bill, Harriet Tubman may be the closest thing U.S. history has to an actual superhero.

Yes, David Hasselhoff Will Appear in The Rock’s ‘Baywatch’ Movie
David Hasselhoff is famous for many things, not all of them good: for holding the Guinness World Record for the highest reverse bungee jump (seriously), for his extended stint as a man willing to have protracted conversations with a car on Knight Rider, for the painful footage of his impotent attempt to consume a cheeseburger while rolling around on the floor in an alcoholic stupor, but most of al

Idris Elba, Matthew McConaughey Confirmed to Star in Stephen King’s ‘Dark Tower’
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: there’s gonna be a Dark Tower movie. Stephen King’s sprawling Western/mystical sci-fi epic has been Hollywood’s great white whale for some time now, stymieing adaptation efforts from such luminaries as J...

Bear Witness to ‘Trumped,’ Jimmy Kimmel’s Very Trumpy ‘Producers’ Parody
Last night’s Jimmy Kimmel Live pulled back the curtain on a five-minute rework of Mel Brook’s Broadway tour-de-farce The Producers called Trumped: the Musical.

Sarah Michelle Gellar Will Return to ‘Cruel Intentions’ With Role in TV Sequel
Earlier this month, NBC placed an order for a Cruel Intentions TV pilot that would act as a sort of sequel to the 1999 film, and today brings the fortuitous news that the central pillar of this grand monument to teen horniness will return for the second go-round. Now comes word that original star Sarah Michelle Gellar will reprise her role as Kathryn Merteuil, the queen-bitch rich kid meddling in everyone’s affairs with her sexual scheming.

‘Ghostbusters’ Toy Reveals What the Reboot’s Villain Will Look Like
There is a significant figurine for sale at the New York Toy Fair, currently in progress. The convention brings together toy and collectible enthusiasts from far and wide to gape in amazement at next season’s releases and peruse the wares of rows and rows of vendors...

‘Police Academy’ and ‘Punky Brewster’ Actor George Gaynes Dies at 98
Surrounded by family at his daughter’s home in North Bend, Washington, Gaynes died on Monday. He was 98 years old.

Nicolas Cage to Rampage His Way Through ‘Vengeance: A Love Story’
“Nicolas Cage has signed on to star in a literary adaptation from a highly esteemed contemporary writer.” And for that one, brief sentence, we were transported back to a time where the Cage was a respected and sought-after actor, offered competitive roles with substance to them and even awards potential. Because while it is true that Cage will appear in an adaptation of a novella by living legend Joyce Carol Oates, any detail beyond that outs this as the typical Nic Cage project that it truly is. The project at hand is, if anything, the Nic Cage version of a prestige movie.

It Finally Happened, Someone Made a TV Miniseries for Instagram
In a development that sounds like something out of Infinite Jest (currently celebrating its twentieth anniversary!), it finally happened, someone has made a miniseries to be distributed via the popular photo-sharing social media platform Instagram...

Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson Pose as Living Mannequins to Promote ‘Zoolander 2’
It’s only apropos that Zoolander 2, a film about beautiful people’s supernatural abilities to help market luxury goods, would have a razor-sharp ad campaign to match. The PR team for the long-awaited sequel to Ben Stiller‘s 2001 haute couture comedy toyed with the film’s title in jokes both clever (stylizing the title to mimic Chanel No...

Harrison Ford to Reveal New ‘Star Wars’ Theme Parks in Upcoming ABC Special
On February 21, ABC will broadcast a new special titled The Wonderful World of Disney: Disneyland 60, a commemoration of the Anaheim amusement park’s sixtieth anniversary and Star Wars devotees just got a reason to tune in that can’t be ignored.

The New ‘Angry Birds’ Trailer Is Urine-Drinking Fun For the Whole Family
Even as video games go, the mobile app Angry Birds is pretty conceptually thin. There are birds. They are angry, ostensibly because green pigs have constructed elaborate castles all over their bird-world, and nobody likes developers. The birds live only to slingshot themselves at high speeds into said castles, destroying them and hopefully eliminating all pigs in the process...