GuySpeed Editors

Gas Station Erupts in Flames After Uber SUV Plows Into Pump
It looks like something out of a movie.

Furious Biker Refuses to Surrender His Towed Motorcycle
Talk about separation anxiety.

Irony Alert — Mailman Busted Having Sex With Dog
Mailmen and dogs get along a whole lot better than we thought.

Wife Poisons Husband’s Cereal to Avoid Sex With Him
Call her a cereal (would-be) killer.

Motorcycle Swing Is a Disaster Waiting to Happen
"Motorcycle" and "swing" are two words that should never appear next to each other.

Idiot Who Racks Up His 23rd DUI Is an All-Time Zero
This guy collects DUIs the way kids used to collect baseball cards.

The Best Lingerie Pics Ever (This Week)
In case you're wondering: yes, teeny-tiny purple panties DO count as lingerie.

Grandma Burns Grandson With Hilariously Offensive Birthday Card
Subconsciously, this grandmother has a pretty filthy mind.

Cocky MMA Fighter Learns a Brutal Lesson About Taunting Your Opponent
It's a lesson he won't forget -- that is, if he can remember it ever happening.

Woman Offers Cop Sex in Exchange for Taco Bell, The Jokes Are Free for All
Tortilla, meet whore-tilla.

Kate Upton Lands Her Third Swimsuit Issue Cover
...and there are three separate versions, too.

Paraplegic Man’s Legendary Pregnancy Announcement Is Brilliant to the Infinite Power
Let's hope this guy's kid inherits his sense of humor.