The Best Movie Posters of 2022
As we commence with our look back at the best in pop culture over the last year, let us pause to acknowledge the art of movie poster design. Before you see a movie — before you even watch a commercial or a trailer in many cases — you see a poster. And it’s up to that poster to introduce a film in a single image. That’s no easy feat. And with the proliferation of social media, posters are viewed and shared even more widely online than ever before. So that first impression is even more crucial.
Take note: These are the best movie posters of 2022, not the best movie posters of things released in 2022. If the poster came out this year, it qualified for consideration, even if the movie it’s promoting hasn’t hit theaters or streaming yet. Nor is this a list of the best movies of the year. The movies these posters are hyping might be terrible in some cases. In fact, I can say with certainty: Some of the movies these posters are hyping are terrible. But the posters themselves are great. And that’s what this list is about. So let’s count down the 20 best posters of 2022:
The Best Movie Posters of 2022

The Worst Photoshopped Movie Posters
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