Casper Pride Hosting ‘Coming Out Day Party’ at The Void October 11
Tuesday, October 11 is 'National Coming Out Day' and Casper Pride is partnering with The Void to throw a party.

That's according to a Facebook post from Casper Pride, who wrote that the event would take place on October 11 from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in Downtown Casper.
"Hey hey!" Casper Pride wrote on their event page. "We have Coming Out Day plans next week and hope you come out and join us!"
The event will feature free food and beverages and will include games and karaoke for people of all ages.
'National Coming Out Day' is a day designed for members of the LGBTQ+ community to "come out" and let the world know who they are.
"On this day, many people who identify as LGBTQ+ will “come out” (a term stemming from the phrase “come out of the closet”) to friends or family about their sexuality, which is a very big moment!" the National Today website wrote. "Beyond this, the history of the LGBTQ+ movement is a beacon of light — its champions are honored, and it underlines the personal being political. It’s also a chance to celebrate the liberation spirit — many do this by waving flags associated with LGBTQ+ groups or donning pins."
People magazine wrote that "the purpose of National Coming Out Day, which takes place on Oct. 11, is not only to celebrate those who've already come out, but to support those who choose to keep their identity a secret, or perhaps encourage someone to come out who's been thinking about it."
Those who participate in 'National Coming Out Day' events certainly are not obligated to 'come out' themselves. It is just a day designed to honor those who have and those who haven't but want to. There's no timetable for 'coming out.' It has to feel right only to the person who is doing it. Days like 'National Coming Out Day' just provide those people with a day of companionship and support.
'National Coming Out Day' is a part of the overall 'LGBTQ+ history month,' which takes place every October.
Wyoming has its own history with LGBTQ+ in the month of October. It was on October 12, 1998, that Matthew Shepard, a University of Wyoming Student who grew up in Casper, died after being severely beaten and left hanging on a fence on the outskirts of Laramie.
"On a cold October night on the outskirts of Laramie, Wyo., 21-year-old gay college student Matthew Shepard was brutally beaten, tied to a fence and left for dead," ABC News reported in 2004. "He was found 18 hours laterand rushed to the hospital, where he lingered on the edge of death for nearly five days before succumbing to his injuries."
That was 24 years ago. Days like 'National Coming Out Day' exist to remind people like Matthew, and others, that they are not alone.
For more information on the event at The Void, you can visit the Casper Pride Facebook page, or their website.
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