Casper, Wyoming Is In The Top 150 Places To Be If You’re Single
When moving to Wyoming, one of the first questions people always asked was "are ya married?". I assume when you're a guy and get asked that question there are two reasons.
- You're competition for other single males
- You're potential dating material for single females
I have heard from lots of singles about how tough the dating pool is in Wyoming because the population numbers are so low that the potential of finding a mate is lower. I have also noticed that there are many couples that have been together for a long time, I guess for that same reason.
If you're single in Wyoming, there are some positives. WalletHub just published a study that showed that Cheyenne and Casper have both made the list of '2021's best & worst cities for singles'.
Cheyenne is at #53 and Casper is at #135 out of 182 cities. That's not too bad considering there are almost 19,500 incorporated cities in the United States.
The cities were ranked on
Dating Economics (Casper at #10) (Cheyenne at # 1) - The two cities tied for #1 for lowest restaurant-meal cost.
Fun & Recreation (Casper at #167) (Cheyenne at #157)
Dating Opportunities (Casper at #157) (Cheyenne at #62).
Our neighbor to the south Denver sits at #4 overall and our neighbor to the north Missoula sits at #15 overall.
You can see on the map below that many of the bigger cities in the country are closer to the top of the list because of the options available.
The older you get, the harder the dating scene is and the harder it is to find a perfect match. Have you given up on the dating scene in Wyoming? If not, what has been your go to option for finding and planning dates? Feel free to let us know at our mobile app.