Centennial Junior High Shares Awesome Anti-Bullying Student Story
Our local youth do not always get the credit they deserve.
When we think of teens, the first that often comes to mind is bad decisions, reckless driving and somewhat annoying TikTok videos. Which is why we as a community should focus more on the positive.
To that end, we shed the spotlight on an awesome group of young gentlemen for their actions of supporting a fellow classmate.
The official Centennial Junior High School Facebook page shared a photo of the boys, along with a caption of this awesome feel good story, which read:
A great big CONGRATULATIONS to an amazing group of 8th graders: Evan Martinez, Brayden Douglas, Kole Pexton, Kyan Sims, Tyler DePoorter, Ethan Hague, Hudson Keller, and Parker Gilbert for earning a POSITIVE office referral!! These boys all braided their hair to help support a 6th grader who got bullied for having braided hair. When asked why they had their hair braided they just responded,"Because it looks cool." Thank you boys for showing such kindness!! #kindness

I often say, it truly is the little things that make a difference in the world. While this might not seem like much to some, I guarantee it meant the world to the 6th grader.
As parent myself, with junior high age children, I salute you gentlemen for your efforts. Way to stand up for your schoolmate!
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