City of Casper Wants to Sell Ball Fields, Former Fire Station
The City of Casper has offered to put two unneeded properties back into the private sector for development, according to a news release.
Those interested in purchasing one or both of the properties listed below are encouraged to submit sealed bids:
- “Former Beverly Street Ball Fields Parcel" -- a 3-acre parcel consisting of two platted lots north of Fire Station No. 3 at South Beverly and East 12th streets. It is zoned C-2, or General Business, and has a market value of $1,255,000.
- “Former Fire Station No. 5” – 14,260-square-foot parcel at 4000 E. 15th St. It is zoned R-1, or Residential Estate, and has a market value of $195,000. It will be open for inspection from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, and from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, April 2.
The specific terms and conditions, maps, plats and legal descriptions may viewed at the city's website under public notices.
The properties are being offered “as-is, where-is.”
Those interested in the properties are highly encouraged to read and follow the terms and conditions when submitting bids. Any bids that are received that do not meet all the terms and conditions, or that include any contingencies, will be disregarded.
The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
For more information, contact Community Development Director Liz Becher or City Planner Craig Collins at City Hall, 200 N. David St., Casper, WY 82601, or call (307) 235-8241.
All sealed bids must be received no later than 5 p.m. April 12 at the city's Community Development Office.
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