Yesterday, I posted a blog about aging classic rock stars dating women less then half of their age.  As a shameless self promoter, I shared the blog with my Facebook friends along with the question, "Is 71 year old Jimmy Page a creepy old perv? Or does his recent conquest of a 25 year old actress give you hope for the future"?

Needless to say, it was a hot topic.  Here's a few of my favorite responses:

Jennifer:  Makes me feel that at 46, I'm never getting laid again.

Herb:   why? why not?! woot!

Tim:  Because he's Jimmy effing Page !!

Steve:  To each their own, live and let live.

Mike:  My only argument is...he's Jimmy Page

Wayne:  I have two words for the "but he's Jimmy Page" argument: Still dubious. If it works for Jimmy Page, it has to work for every Joe Geezer who does this.

Antionette: It always seems to be alright for men to date much younger women, but not quite the same when women date younger men. Double standard???? I am just sayin'.

Wayne:  Some women like being cougars. It's gold digging that ruffles the feathers.

Dennis:  Leave kids and animals out of it. What happens between consenting adults is up to them...

Diane:  I say way to go Jimmy!!! Nobody's business but theirs.... and I really hate the word cougar being used for women who date younger men!!!!

Robert:   Jimmy Page is a LEGEND!

Ron:  Well I am 45 and my wife turns 25 tomorrow. So screw the uptight clowns who think age is a factor. You either get along or you don't. When 2 people the same age get divorced was it because of their age ?

Jeremy:   Nah... It's simple, really. Chicks dig rockstars.

Christian:   Nothing wrong with 'cougars', to start with.  Page is not a perv. He's simply the guitarist for Led Zeppelin ... questions?

So what can we learn from this spirited debate?  Yes, Jimmy Page is a creepy old pervert.  But he's also a rock star.  And he plays by a different set of rules than the rest of us mere mortals.  Money, fame and music are powerful aphrodisiacs, even if you look like the dude on the Quaker Oats box.

And to poor Jennifer, who worries that at age 46, she'll never be able to find true love.  Keep your chin up, girlfriend.  You'll meet a nice 91 year old man someday and he'll treat you like a queen...and hopefully, he'll leave you his oceanfront mansion in the will.

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