Former Casper Student Gets Jail Time for Crashing Computers
A former Kelly Walsh High School student who admitted earlier this year to crashing school computers using a program contained on a flash drive was sentenced for the crimes Tuesday morning in Natrona County District Court.
Cooper Humphreys, 18, received first-offender treatment on a felony property destruction charge, meaning prosecution on that count was deferred and no adjudication of guilt will be entered. That keeps the felony off Humphrey's record, assuming he successfully completes one to five years of probation instead.
For one count of misdemeanor property destruction, Humphreys will have to serve nine days in jail. That time can be served on weekends, and Humphreys won't have to start serving those days until January so that he can spend the holidays with family.
Humphreys will also have to pay $9,382 in restitution to the Natrona County School District.
District Judge Thomas Sullins said that Humphrey's grandfather, who spoke at Tuesday's sentencing hearing, put it aptly when he described the response as "firm patience."
The sentence, Sullins said, provides some consequences for Humphrey's crimes, but also gives him a chance to prove himself and lead a law-abiding life going forward.
"This is a good opportunity for you," Sullins told Humphreys. "It's also going to be a challenging period... something you will really need to commit to for a long period."
In September, Humphreys admitted to using a 'kill' program in order to permanently damage over a dozen computers at Kelly Walsh High School and Pathways Innovation Center in 2016.
A number of students told authorities that Humphreys bragged about it, even showing several students a video of himself as he used a flash drive containing the 'kill' program to damage computers.
Humphreys reportedly told one student that he did it because the school was invading his privacy, though he did not elaborate.
Humphreys admitted to the crimes at his expulsion hearing. He was 17 years old when he damaged the computers, but was charged as an adult.
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