Hidden Order of Wyoming Monks Make Divine Coffee
There is a hidden order of monks living in the remote mountains of Wyoming. They make premium coffee and sell it online. Funds from the coffee help them construct ... wait for it ... a gothic cathedral. Sometimes a story seems too crazy to be true, but this story is legit. I thought to myself, I have to try this coffee. Will it bring enlightenment? Help bridge spiritual gaps? Does it taste good? I'm all about supporting Wyoming companies, so I had to give it a try.
It's not a secret that the Wyoming Carmelite Monks reside outside of Powell. They've been there for a few decades working on their gothic cathedral. The coffee was a means to a financial end, and I have to say we are blessed because of it.
I ordered two different blends of coffee from their online shop. The cost was more than I usually pay, but this Mystic Monk Coffee. It arrived on my doorstep two days after purchase. Living in Casper, I found that to be fairly rapid for our postal system. Win.
Truth be told, I read too many comic books. If I get bit by a spider, I wonder if I will get the ability to climb walls. If ever exposed to gamma rays, I'd wonder if I'd turn green when I'm mad. So if the coffee beans are roasted and packaged by monks, will that give me special powers? Or help me, maybe, get closer to God?
The first time making the brew I used a French Press. I thought it called for something bold and strong like the Wyoming winters. Spoiler, it didn't give me superpowers or a direct line to God, but it did gather a group of people who all wanted a cup of joe.
Maybe the power of the coffee is bringing people together. The first batch was Rum Pecan. My wife said it smelled like waffles when I made it. A co-worker said she smelled a chocolate note on the coffee. Suffice to say we drank every drop.
It was a fine cup of coffee. It was full-flavored and not overly acidic or alkaline. It didn't smell like cigarette smoke like some big-name coffees do. I'd say it was well-balanced and very enjoyable. I'd recommend it. Did it make me a better spiritual person? Probably not but it did make the day a little better.
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