Online Dating for Farmers – It’s Real!
Ok, I was watching the latest Ice Planet offering from the Discovery Channel the other night...and this commercial came on that just cracked me up! It was for a singles online dating service, and it's called Farmersonly.com so it really caught my attention! I got to thinking about it and it made a lot of sense. Ok so I am not a farmer, but I am western! So are most of us here in this neck of the woods, we don't think or act like folks in the big cities...and frankly we like it that way! So where does a single person go to find true love? The folks at Farmersonly.com think they have the ansswers! Check it out for yourself!
"I'm really lonely but I’m too busy to date during harvest season"
Thousands of singles sow the seeds of love on FarmersOnly.com
FarmersOnly.com launched just over five years ago and quickly became THE place for farmers and ranchers to meet like-minded people. In the last five years, membership went from 2,000 to well over 100,000 members. Despite the name, FarmersOnly isn't limited to only farmers. The rapid growth is also coming from just good old fashioned, down-to-earth people who live in small towns and rural areas.
“There have been countless successful matches and friendships made on the site. I get thank you emails and phone calls almost daily. In fact, there have been hundreds of marriages since FarmersOnly.com began,” said Jerry Miller, Founder.
FarmersOnly.com is the brainchild of Jerry Miller who has done marketing and public relations for thousands of farms and ranches across the country. While talking to one farmer, Jerry made quite a discovery.
"Recently divorced, she expressed her frustration of how difficult it was to meet someone new," Jerry recalled.
"I'm ready to give up!" She said. "How am I going to meet someone working on a farm all day? I already know everybody who lives around here… which isn't many people! Maybe I'll try online dating."
She signed up on one of the biggest national dating sites soon after their conversation.A month later, Jerry asked her how her luck was with online dating. She replied, even more frustrated, "The men who have been contacting me don't understand the lifestyle of a farmer," she told Jerry. "They don't have a clue!" This would later lead to the site's slogan. "City Folks Just Don't Get It!"
Being in marketing, he wanted to see if there was a need for a new site specifically for single farmers. "I talked to farmers and ranchers all over the country and discovered they all had the same problems. They already knew everybody in their immediate areas. They didn't have enough time to socialize. When they did find time, they didn't want to hang out at a bar. They wanted to find someone who understood their lifestyle," he said. "The need for this new online dating service became very clear and six months later, I launched www.FarmersOnly.com."