‘I’ll Feed You-‘ Casper Restauranteur Tells Struggling Family They Can Eat At His Restaurant For Free
Casper does it again.

This town never ceases to amaze when it comes to its generosity. Whether it's raising more than $1 million for the family of a Wyoming Marine who died (though obviously it wasn't just Casper residents who contributed), an elementary school raising money for one of its students who was diagnosed with a brain tumor, or any other type of situation- when one of Casper's residents needs something, the rest of the town are quick to oblige.
Never was this more evident than in a simple Facebook exchange that occurred on Friday afternoon.
One Casper resident, who will remain unnamed, reached out on Casper Classifieds asking if there were any food banks or food pantries open.
"Is there any food help/bank stuff open?" the Facebook user asked. "Pregnant wife and 2 kids and I are struggling with ends meet right now and hungry. Any help is appreciated. Thank you."
Casper, as it's wont to do, immediately responded in kind. People gave the names and numbers of various food banks, but they offered donations of their own, as well.
And so on.
So many different commenters offered up ways to help the family.
But it was one man, Casper restaurant owner Alex Rosales who really stood out.
Rosales is the owner of Tacos Mexico, a Mexican restaurant in Casper that has already made the news by partnering with Jeffree Star and utilizing his yak meat in some of their recipes.
Rosales has also been a consistent presence on Casper Classifieds, offering up humble, thankful posts to the community for their patronage.
His humility and grace are evident in the ways he interacts with users on social media, and Friday's post was just further evidence of that. People took notice.
The feedback was incredible, inspiring, and the perfect example of what makes Casper so great.
Life is hard. Times are tough. We all struggle. Sometimes, we're in positions that require us to ask for help. Other times, we're able to be the ones that help somebody else. But to live in a place like Casper, where people are so quick to reach their hand out and say 'You're not in this alone...' that's the good stuff. That's what makes this community an actual village; one in which everybody helps out then they can, to whomever needs it. Alex is just one example, but he's a big one.
Maybe not everybody has money that they can spare. Most of us don't have a restaurant that we can invite the community into. But we try to give what we have, even if it's only a smile or a nod of acknowledgment. And sometimes that's enough. One meal, in the long run, won't make that much of a difference. But the kindness shown, the example set, the grace offered...that will stick with this family, and the rest of us, for a very long time.
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