Check Out The Top Items That Wyomingites Buy ‘Just Because’
18 million American's have a shopping addiction.
We all know that person that will spend hours in the shoe department of a store, when they have a closet or even a room that is solely dedicated to shoes. They have shoes that have never been worn, but if you suggest that they get rid of them, you're a meany head.
According the Very Well Minded.com, these are the signs of a shopping addict
- Always planning to buy something
- Not being able to stop their compulsive shopping
- Getting a rush while spending money
- Feeling buyers remorse after buying something
- Financial issues and debt, due to shopping
- Hiding the purchases they've made
- Opening new credit cards to have more buying space
- Buying things they don't need, just to buy something
- Using shopping to relieve stress
In Wyoming, there are certain items we buy in bulk, just in case we run into a situation where it's hard to get and we don't want to run out. We've all seen the movie 'Red Dawn', right?
The line is really fine, between normal shopping and a shopping addiction.
Normal Shopping
- The items you buy, are used and needed
- You don't have a compulsion to buy
- Purchasing the item isn't putting you in financial strain
- You splurge occasionally
Shopping Addiction
- Buying just to buy. Don't need the items
- You can't stop buying things.
- You have financial debt caused by your shopping habits
- Always overbuying for no reason
Listen, you work hard for your money and since this is Wyoming, you can buy what you want. We all get on kicks where we buy things we probably don't need, but again, that's ok...you do you.
When I was younger, I struggled to make ends meet and had to have a tight budget or I would've never made it. Now, I keep myself on that same tight budget and rarely splurge on things.
I'll tell you, if I want a couple extra boxes of ammo, a new firearm, a new hunting jacket or other item I don't really need, but I would enjoy it...I'll think long and hard about it, sometimes I'll take months, before I make my final decision.
Do you fall along the same lines as other Wyomingites? We did our own survey of items you ALWAYS will buy, even if you don't need them.
The answers you thought would be there, were there. Guns, ammo and shoes were at the top, but others were very interesting.
Check them out and let us know about yours, if it's not on the list. Drew.Kirby@townsquaremedia.com