Here’s How To Get Wyomingites Excited In Only 4 Words
The internet has a great ability to start rumors and fan the flames. For years, there have been rumors, hopes, and dreams of seeing these three words...
Longmire is Coming Back.
Usually, you start hearing the rumors of the show coming back every time author Craig Johnson releases a new book in the Longmire series, and guess what?
A new book in the Longmire series will be coming out at the end of May.
If you look at the statistics, you can see that the show has a large and loyal fanbase. When Longmire was still on A&E, it was the highest-rated show on the network. The show is one of the top Western Series' on Netflix, and no new episodes have been released since 2017.
When the announcement of the new book was made, those fans jumped into action, hoping for a show reboot.
Personally, I would love to see Walt, Henry, Ferg, Cady, Vic, Jacob, and Ruby get together for another round of crime-fighting in Durant. It could be a TV series, a streaming series, or a movie; either way, it would be great. Imagine Longmire being the next Mission Impossible movie series.
That would be pretty cool, but we'll have to wait and see if it happens.
In the meantime, get your fix by picking up the latest book, 'The Longmire Defense,' or catch Craig Johnson on a book tour stop, pre-order the new book 'First Frost' coming out in May, and prepare for Longmire Days.
The 2024 dates have been set, and information is rolling out for this year's gathering. July 18 - 21, Buffalo, WY, will transform into Durant, WY, and Longmire fans will flock to participate in the weekend's events.