Carrying bear spray any time you're in bear country is very important. No matter what you read on social media or the deep dark parts of the internet. More than likely, someone who tells you not to carry it has only been to bear country once and has never seen a bear. You should always be prepared and ready for any situation in bear country.

On Sunday, May 19, a 35-year-old man from Massachusetts was hiking in Grand Teton National Park when a grizzly bear attacked him. According to reports, he stumbled upon two grizzlies near Signal Mountain Summit Road when one of the bears attacked.

Man Survives A Surprise Grizzly Attack In Wyoming
Google Maps

Reports say he was "seriously injured and airlifted to an awaiting ambulance to be transported to the hospital for treatment." The man is said to be stable and expected to recover fully.

At this point, no information has been provided on how the man fought the grizzly off or whether he was carrying proper protection. That information is likely to come out in the next couple of days.

It's always important to be Bearwise in Bear country.

  • Stay alert, be aware of your surroundings and where you are.
  • Keep a clean campsite.
    • DO NOT bury garbage; bears will dig it up.
    • Store food, pet supplies/food, and clothes worn while cooking in proper storage containers or locations away from camp.
  • Eliminate any opportunity for a bear to get an easy meal.
    • Store food, garbage, and other items away from a bear can access it.
  • Have proper protection.
    • Have bear spray and know how to use it properly.
  • Never think you're 100% safe from bear encounters.
  • Know how to handle a bear interaction.
    • Remain calm, and don't panic.
    • Have personal protection options and be ready to use them.
    • Identify the type of bear you're encountering and know the best way to deal with both.
Man Survives A Surprise Grizzly Attack In Wyoming

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