Thank You For Letting Me Be A Part Of Your Mornings XOXO Prairie Wife
It all began four and a half years ago with a weekly guest segment on K2 Radio AM1030 with Susan Burk.
I came on as a local mommy blogger from PrairieWifeInHeels.com, and for 15 minutes every Friday, we would tackle any and every topic.
From free-range parenting to my dislike of pumpkin spice, talking to your kids about appropriate touches, and our mutual hatred of "vaugebooking" Susan and I covered it all.
The success of this segment led to a job on My Country 95.5, where you could hear me in the afternoons from 3 to 7 as you picked your kids up from school.
It took some time for this stay-at-home mom of five and mommy blogger to learn how to be on air. And there were more than a few times when my three-year-old daughter sat on the studio floor and played while I spent time with you. But, I loved how the radio was a new way to connect to our community here in central Wyoming.
I felt like it was my job to not only keep you company but to brighten your day for at least a little bit.
In January 2019, I moved to the mornings and became a part of the My Country Morning Show with Doc and Prairie Wife. Our mornings were filled with stories of our lives as parents of large families, and we all bonded over our distaste for "Tourons" that seemed to be flooding Yellowstone.
When COVID hit in March of 2020, and I was forced to stay home while Doc was in the studio, we all laughed as my kids made noise in the background while we tried to record the show. After all, who couldn't relate to working from the kitchen counter while trying to get your kids to focus on virtual school?
Doc left in the Spring of 2021, and we welcomed Drew to the My Country Morning show.
I could have never predicted how much fun he and I would have. We were two midwestern kids who grew up in the 80s and dreamed of living in Wyoming...and a lot of our time on air is spent laughing.
From Drew forcing me to eat potted meat live on air to me trying to convince Drew that a pair of flares would look good on him, the My Country Morning Show With Drew and Prairie Wife became part of even more people's regular morning routine.
Add to that Emceeing and Auctioneering at Thankful Thursday, still running PrairieWifeInHeels.com, attending concerts, and keeping track of my five kids and Mr. Prairie Wife...
I was often asked by listeners, "How do you do it all?"
And while for the past four plus years, I have been able to do it all (for the most part), it has become clear to me that I am no longer "doing all the things" as well as I'd like.
When I began the show, my oldest kiddo was 12, and my youngest was 3. Now I have two kids in High School in Glenrock, another in Middle School, and two more school-age children.
My family is my number one priority, and I have made the incredibly hard but necessary choice to step away from the My Country Morning show so that I can continue to be there for them in the ways that they need. My last day on air will be September 30th.
I am eternally grateful to all of you that welcomed me into your daily lives.
Together we have laughed and cried...and laughed some more.
I am humbled by how much you care about this community, and I am honored that I was able to be a part of sharing with you all the good things we love about Central Wyoming and our state as a whole.
I will always treasure my time as a part of the My Country Morning show and Townsquare Media.
You'll still be able to find me emceeing and speaking around the state, and of course, I'll be right where it all started at PrairieWifeInHeels.com.
When in doubt, look for me on the sidelines of a Glenrock Football game or in the bleachers at a wrestling tournament...I'll be the one screaming "Go Big Purple" as loud as I can.
Thank you again for letting me be a part of your mornings for so many years.
Prairie Wife