Natrona County Arrest Log (11/23/20 – 12/1/20)
Below is a list of people who have recently been arrested and booked into the Natrona County Detention Center.
This list is compiled from logs released to media by the Natrona County Sheriff's Office.
This log may not reflect all arrests for this time period. For example, police will not release any information about juvenile arrests. State law prohibits any official from identifying a person accused of a sex crime until the defendant is arraigned in district court.
Everyone listed here is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
The charges listed here are what the arresting agency has recommended to the Natrona County District Attorney's Office. However, formal charges filed by prosecutors may differ from the recommended charges listed here.
Here is the list of arrested people and their charges as reflected in the logs:
- Jolene Addison -- public intoxication, open container.
- Michele Amack -- fail to appear.
- James Baker -- reckless driving, interference with a peace officer, reckless endangering, attempt to elude, vandalism/destruction of property.
- Steven Bay -- fail to comply.
- Marlena Box -- hold for circuit court.
- Cristipher Bramlett -- fail to comply.
- Jeremiah Brunsvold -- district court bench warrant.
- David Carlson -- fail to comply.
- Amber Carson -- hold for district court.
- Rikki Cast -- marijuana possession, driving while license suspended, insurance violation - no current liability.
- Paul Christensen -- criminal warrant.
- Megan Day -- fail to appear.
- Kadin Eastlund -- serve jail time.
- Nicholas Flowers -- driving while under the influence, controlled substance possession.
- Scott Frankson -- public intoxication, open container, malicious mischief.
- Nicholas Frederick -- controlled substance possession - methamphetamine, driving while under suspension, auto insurance, open container in vehicle.
- Danelle Friday -- driving while license suspended, insurance violation - no current liability.
- Jason Gardner -- county warrant/hold for agency.
- Daniel Gerlock -- fail to appear.
- Joshua Goad -- resisting arrest, assault and battery, public intoxication, open container.
- John Goodman -- contract hold.
- Claire Green -- hold for probation and parole.
- Alexander Griggs -- shoplifting.
- Zachary Hammond -- criminal warrant.
- Daniel Harris -- public intoxication, open container.
- Menyan Hauck -- fail to appear, open container in vehicle, controlled substance possession, driving while under suspension, interference with a peace officer.
- Bryan Huber -- driving while under the influence.
- Thomas Hubbard -- fail to appear.
- Caleb Hurtado -- courtesy hold/other agency.
- Kenneth Jones -- domestic battery, aggravated assault, felonious restraint, possession of a weapon with deadly intent, criminal intent.
- Mark Kaonohi -- public intoxication.
- Crista Kimball -- shoplifting, marijuana possession.
- James Knight -- fail to appear (x2), fail to comply, probation revocation.
- John Kohler -- fail to comply.
- Rachael Konkler -- hold for probation and parole.
- Charles Lee -- criminal warrant.
- Tauna Macias -- hold for probation and parole.
- Thomas Maffin -- criminal warrant.
- Shawn Mapp -- contract hold.
- Caleb Martinez -- National Crime Information Center hit.
- Zephania Martinez -- minor in possession, resisting arrest.
- Alida Mattson -- National Crime Information Center hit.
- Rayanne McCurdy -- domestic battery, minor in possession.
- Bo McKinney -- criminal warrant.
- Michelle Melton -- Hit and run with personal injury or property damage, reckless driving, aggravated assault.
- Radford Messer -- fail to comply, criminal warrant.
- Joseph Miller -- public intoxication.
- Latoya Moore -- criminal warrant.
- Kristofer Nasife -- fail to appear.
- Michael Odom -- district court bench warrant.
- Paul Ogle -- domestic battery, strangulation of a household member, false imprisonment, controlled substance possession.
- Kavan Peppersack -- hold for probation and parole.
- Ivan Prentup -- inhalation or sale of glue/toxic vapors.
- Bobbie Rowland -- fail to comply.
- Trinity Rowland -- minor in possession, fail to comply.
- Ross Ryan -- public intoxication, property damage.
- Lucas Sanchez -- fail to comply (x2), public intoxication.
- Kristofer Schultz -- public intoxication.
- William Sciolino -- fail to comply, controlled substance possession - methamphetamine.
- Matthew Sexton -- public intoxication.
- Derek Stone -- county warrant/hold for agency, controlled substance possession - methamphetamine.
- Kayelee Thomas -- criminal warrant.
- Kevin Ujvary -- serve jail time.
- Christina Weber -- fail to comply.
- Herbert Wheeler -- fail to comply, fail to appear.
- Levi Wirtala -- fail to comply, criminal warrant.
- Ramon Wise -- district court bench warrant.
- Ashley Workman -- criminal warrant.
- Christian Wright -- vandalism/destruction of property, fail to comply.
- Desirae Writing Bird -- public intoxication.
- Donald Young -- serve jail time.

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