BREAKING NEWS: Natrona County Releases Face Mask Order Details
Natrona County health officials have released details in what a face mask mandate for Natrona County looks like.
According to a Wednesday news release, Natrona County Health Officers Dr. Mark Dowell and Dr. Ghazi Ghanem issued the health order recently in conjunction with Wyoming State Health Officer Dr. Alexia Harrist.

The order hasn't been signed or fully executed, but it includes the following requirements and exemptions:
- A face covering is defined as a covering made of cloth, fabric, or other soft or permeable material, without holes, that covers the nose and mouth and surrounding areas of the lower face.
- Face coverings should be worn inside or waiting in line to enter any retail or commercial business and all government facilities. This applies to employees, customers and visitors. Face coverings should be worn while obtaining services or visiting any healthcare operation including hospitals, dentists, pharmacies and veterinarians.
- Face coverings should be worn while using any form of public transportation or in any ride sharing vehicle. This applies to drivers and passengers.
- Minors three years and older are encouraged to wear face coverings but not required. Minors under two should not wear face coverings.
- Face coverings are not required when a person is seated at a restaurant with no more than 8 people at a table, while actively exercising in a gym setting, or when alone inside of a personal office.
Additionally, face coverings are not required outdoors or when social distancing of more than 6' is possible and being practiced.
Though officials note the claim is a county-wide legal order, "slowing the spread will take our entire community," the release says. "Face coverings, in addition to sanitizing, distancing, staying home when you're sick and getting tested, are the best weapon we have in the fight against COVID-19.
"If we work together, we can keep our business and schools open and keep our families safe."
A press conference is scheduled for noon Thursday to further detail the order.
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