LOOK AND LAUGH: Confused Cows Stuck In Tires
How the heck?
Or for those who like puns... COW the heck?
Every so often some video or photos go viral showing cows stuck in big tires. How the heck do they even do that?
I have a theory.
We all know that farms and ranches need big tires.
We also know they don't throw those tires away when they are done using them. Big tries back be recycled in so many ways, so these clever people find good uses for them.
But then the cows get hold of them.
My theory is - cows are bored.
When I drive by cows out in a field I often think of how utterly bored they look to me. They just stand out in the field all day, chewing. That's about it.
When they get bored chewing in one area they mosey over to another part of the field and stand there - chewing.
So when they come across something like a big old tire they get excited. It's a toy to play with.
That's usually when they get into trouble.
But that still doesn't answer our question of HOW THE HECK DO THEY DO THAT?
Over the head, I can see. But what about the rest of it?
Imagine the effort it takes to get that tire past the front legs and lodged in the mid section.
OH SURE, It's funny at first. The cow then goes around making all of its fellow herd members laugh at the new fashion statement.
But then, they can't get it off.
Now they go looking for the farmer for help.
To all ranchers out there, please, don't let your cows get bored. It leads to trouble.
Here is a sheep stuck in a rope swing. HOW THE HELL?
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