cody wyoming

The Biggest Gun in Wyoming
The Biggest Gun in Wyoming
The Biggest Gun in Wyoming
There are a lot of guns in Wyoming, but only one of them is 30 feet long. The largest firearm in the Cowboy State is the "Giant Parade Rifle", which lies on top of a gun store and pawn shop next to the historic Irma Hotel in Cody. According to Roadside America, the larger-than-life replica of a "Buffalo Bill" Winchester Rifle was built for the town's bicentennial parade in 1976
Only in Wyoming: Cody Cops Bust Drunk Guy Riding a Horse
Only in Wyoming: Cody Cops Bust Drunk Guy Riding a Horse
Only in Wyoming: Cody Cops Bust Drunk Guy Riding a Horse
This week marks the seventh anniversary of a quintessential "only in Wyoming" moment. December 27, 2009, a man in Cody, Wyoming, was arrested for riding a horse while intoxicated.  Cody Police had recieved a call from a motorist who was worried that the white horse might present a safety hazard during a snowstorm...
Cody Police Rescues Ducklings
Cody Police Rescues Ducklings
Cody Police Rescues Ducklings
It was the Cody, Wyoming Police Department to the rescue Tuesday afternoon! After receiving a call about a distressed mallard duck, Officer Jennifer Morris went to assess the situation. Officer Morris quickly discovered why the animal was so upset, five ducklings were trapped in a storm drain along Cody's Big Horn Ave...
Wyoming’s Baddest Babes Set For Battle at 2016 Roller Derby Cup
Wyoming’s Baddest Babes Set For Battle at 2016 Roller Derby Cup
Wyoming’s Baddest Babes Set For Battle at 2016 Roller Derby Cup
This weekend, some of the baddest babes in the Cowboy State will battle for the 2016 Wyoming Roller Derby Cup. The event, now in its third year, is a two-day tournament held at the Riley Ice Arena and Events Center in Cody. The two-time defending state champion Cheyenne Capidolls will be challenged by six teams from around the state, including the A'Salt Creek Roller Girls from Casper, the Jackson