Whether you're home for the Holidays, stuck inside with your roommates and away from family or just bored on Christmas day, I have a list of eight super fun games you can play with family and friends to make this Holiday season feel a little less miserable.
Holidays like Christmas are a big deal for most of us. In my family, it's become a very special time for all of us. One thing that we love to do is make great new memories and what better way to do that than with a fun holiday-themed game?
Books and media selections are priced at $2.00 or less, and paperbacks are selling for 50 cents. They're also having a garage sale and the annual Edible Book Fest.
Life seemed to be so much more fun back when I was a kid growing up in Casper, and to be honest I don't what happened. Is it because I'm an adult now and have actual responsibilities and a job? Or maybe it's because we no longer have some of my favorite places to go during the year.
Family time is a super important thing. whether your kids are young or old it makes a world of difference. Casper has a super fun, and free activity going on February 1st at the Nicolaysen Art Museum with some help from our friends at Mercer Family Resource Center
Edgefest is growing from a big private party into an annual everyone’s invited event featuring live music, food trucks, lawn games, cold adult beverages but whoops! No tattoos this time around. Seems the tattoo artist had an argument with Mother Nature and she won...