
POLL: Should Wyoming Require ID to Access Online Pornography?
POLL: Should Wyoming Require ID to Access Online Pornography?
POLL: Should Wyoming Require ID to Access Online Pornography?
Age-verification laws concerning adult sites like Pornhub have been a major point of conversation in the U.S. lately. In response to several states requiring ID to access websites where over a third of the content is explicit, Pornhub blocked itself from nearly all of the South...
Casper: What’s Up With Not Liking Tomatoes? [POLL]
Casper: What’s Up With Not Liking Tomatoes? [POLL]
Casper: What’s Up With Not Liking Tomatoes? [POLL]
After a very interesting debate on my personal Facebook page, I had to find out what the deal is in Casper with people not liking tomatoes, but loving tomato products. I guess for me, as a tomato lover, there's not a way know to man that I won't eat tomatoes...
Numbers Prove Very Few Ever Want to Leave Wyoming
Numbers Prove Very Few Ever Want to Leave Wyoming
Numbers Prove Very Few Ever Want to Leave Wyoming
We believe that no one in their right mind would ever want to leave Wyoming. But, let's face it, we're not exactly objective. There are scientific numbers that prove it is true that a very small percentage of people want to leave after they're here.

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