What A Wyoming Mother Needs This Mothers Day
TSM Media Center
This Sunday is mothers day. If you haven't put in a ton of thought into what to get your mom, you should probably start thinking about what she needs most in her life right now. After all, she has to put up with you.
Lucky for you I've been putting a lot of thought into what exactly they need this year. The best thing that you can possibly give your mother this holiday season is a hug. They have done so much for you and been there when you have hit rock bottom and when you've been a shining star.
This next one is for those mothers who've had to deal with you at your worst. (Teenage years) I'd suggest a moderately sized bottle of wine.
Next up is for those mothers with newborns or small children. You can give them a day away from the life of parenting. Take the kids off their hands for a couple of hours and let them spend it however they like. Even if that means they close the blinds and catch up on some sleep.
The final item on the list and possibly my favorite. A new gun. This is perfect for any Wyoming mom for so many reasons. But I'll leave it up to you to find reasons why a new gun would make a good gift around your household.
Happy mothers day to all the mommies out there, we wouldn't be here without you!
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