What You Need To Know Before Going to The Foo Fighters in Casper
It is almost time. The Foo Fighters will be rocking the Casper Event Center Sunday, Dec. 10th. If you are going, there are some things you should know before you head to the show. All of these rules are in place to allow everyone to enjoy the performance, but some may come as a surprise. Others, hopefully, are obvious.
The Casper Event Center published a press release with a list of tips to help everyone enjoy the show. They recommend to:
- Pack light and only bring what you need.
- Get to the CEC early. The doors open at 6 pm.
- Have your ticket.
- Bring photo ID if you plan to drink alcohol.
The CEC has teamed up with UBER, and you can get a discounted ride if you have too many of those tasty alcoholic beverages. Use the promo code CASPEREVENTS to get a discount.
CEC also suggests that you plan your exit. "You can use East Road to Amaco Road and Bryan Stock Trail in addition to Poplar Street, I-25, or the 20/26 interchange."
It should be widely known to NOT bring firearms, knives, razor blades, or explosives. Outside food and drinks are not allowed. The standard rules and regulations can be viewed on the CEC FAQ page.
You can bring your cell phone and use it for photos and videos of the show for personal use only, but all other recording devices are not allowed.
- No GoPro or similar recording devices
- No iPads
- No Selfie Sticks
- No Profesional Cameras
The security staff at the CEC ultimate make the call whether an item is allowed inside. These other restrictions have been added to the performance:
- No bags (small medical necessity bags and clutch-type bags will be allowed)
- No Laser Pointer
- No Chain Wallets
- Moshing and crowd surfing are strongly discouraged.
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